
Thank you for considering giving to West Kilbride Parish Church. Your financial support enables us to have our weekly Sunday services, prayer meetings, Lifegroups, Alpha Courses, Warm Hub and to reach out to the community fulfilling our vision statement to ‘Know Jesus and to make Jesus known’. If you are able to make a regular or one-off gift to support our ongoing work, please give to West Kilbride Parish Church with Stewardship.

You can set up a regular gift or make a one-off donation online by clicking the button/link below. Thank you for your generous support!

Please click the button below.

A standing order form for those who would like to give via standing order is available here:  STANDING-ORDER.

If you are a UK Taxpayer, you can gift aid any contribution that you make to the church. This allows the church to claim back 25p for every £1 donated and it costs you nothing! A gift aid form is available below:

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